Sandplay courses
Sandplay therapy is great therapy for all ages and versatile in many different settings. It enables our clients to create a story or revisit an experience or simply express how they are feeling in a tray of sand.
Introductory and advanced courses in sandplay therapy for counsellors, psychotherapists, students, psychologists, youth workers, social workers, teachers.

Art and creative therapy courses
Courses intended for professionals who are interested in incorporating therapeutic art into their practice. You do not need to be an artist to benefit from these courses. The courses are largely experiential with a view to the participant being able to incorporate or have a greater understanding of art in their therapeutic work.
Accredited by the Association of Integrative Sandplay Therapists.

Resources for therapists
Sandplay symbols
In her own learning, work with clients and in her teaching, Ruth has built an impressive collection of sandplay symbols. Students have access to the whole collection which inspires and informs, providing the perfect resource to learn and progress.
In this short video she talks about how the collection has evolved and the decision making process for choosing symbols.
What people say?
Ruth Baker
Ruth has over 25 years’ experience as a counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor, teacher and consultant with a private practice in South Devon. Ruth has taught in a variety of settings including counselling courses, university, charities, mental health and drugs and alcohol services. She has extensive knowledge of working with people of all ages both at ‘the coal face’ and as a manager in and brings this expertise to her training.
She currently teaches sandplay, counselling and mindfulness with an emphasis on using theory to support the practical. Ruth uses sandplay and art therapeutically in her practice with individuals, couples, groups and in supervision. She is creative in her approach and brings this to her teaching and work. Ruth is interested in the field of ecotherapy and engaging our hearts and minds in our connection with nature. She has lifelong interest in her spiritual development and is currently a student of the Ridhwan School. Ruth lives on a smallholding and in her free time, loves to walk, to play, to dance, to garden to canoe and wild swim.over

Course calendar for 2024 and 2025
Foundation in Integrative Sandplay Therapy (2 Day course) 15th & 16th March 2025 10th & 11th May 2025 5th & 6th July 2025 13th & 14th September 2025 8th & 9th November 2025 | |
Diploma in Integrative Sandplay Therapy . Course includes 4 weekends of 3 days each: 2024-2025 (Four three day weekends) Weekend 1: 22nd, 23rd, 24th November 2024 Weekend 2: 10th, 11th, 12th January 2025 Weekend 3: 28th February 1st &2nd March 2025 Weekend 4 to be determined by the group | |
Foundation in Therapeutic Art 8th & 9th February 2025 11th & 12th November 2025 | |
Creative weekends